Thursday, March 29, 2012

In love, just two days more...

The second season of Games of thrones, based on the George RR Martin's epic fantasy series- A Song Of  Ice And Fire will air this Sunday. Never before I have been so excited by season premiere of any tv series barring Sherlock of course, I mean who wasn't, Moriarty and Sherlock were on a way to an epic showdown but I digress. Apart from the obvious reasons - politics, intrigue, betrayal, love (sickeningly so), nudity ( :D ) and fantasy, I like this series this TV series even more because it introduced the world of the seven kingdoms of Westeroos, which in turn forced me to devour all the 5 books (I read book 5 on PDF instead of having a hardcopy back at hostel just because I couldn't wait for 3 days).  

Now if I start writing about what I like in this book it will take ages, so things that I shall be looking forward to in this season 

  • The war of 5 kings
  • Melisandre 
  • Melisandre's shadow children.
  • Wildfire
  • Tyrion's chain
  • Arya and Valar Morghulis ( I know its a word not a person but still...)
I shall be watching each episode and in my opinion you should too :)


PS: Watch Sherlock (BBC TV series) if you haven't already

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Monster And The Bully

In the age when the witch was the doctor and the inn was the pub and bar and the muddy creek was the swank swimming pool and the prostitutes well were the prostitutes- it’s the oldest profession you see-our story is set in.

In one of the many villages –villages were abound then- was a hill(of course what’s a village without a hill- remember “jack and Jill went up the hill”) and on the hill there was a cottage( and what’s a hill without a cottage) and around that cottage was a garden( there are gardens around ever cottage on a hill- didn’t you read any story or for that matter harry potter, remember his friend the weasel lives in a cottage and boy they have a large garden). In that house or should I say the cottage lived a monster (no monsters don’t usually live in cottages).

So that monster that wasn’t a monster per se but since he was a child he had an unusual countenance and so was called monster by everyone. And since he lived alone he started to think that he really was a monster and started behaving like that. See this is how we ruin our children; they have an impressionable mind you see. But I digress.

That monster did what all the monsters usually do. He scared the shit out of anyone who ventured in the woods around his garden which was around his house or for that matter the cottage. And hence he lived on plying his monstrous trade.

And as with villages go there was a bully there in that village too. And as with bullies go he used to bully. And again as with bullies go he met his match. This match wasn’t a bimbo nymphet but one other bully who bullied the other bully into venturing into the monster lair.

The monster was sleeping when our brave, heroic, gallant and spunky (well euphemism for big scaredy cats ready to shit in their pants- we use euphemisms a lot you see) bullies entered the cottage with a garden around it lying on the top of the small hill. And while they were jumping the boundary wall a fly sat on the nose of the monster, and as it goes with monsters he swatted it, missed, hit his own face and woke up with an ouch that was mighty roar for the ears of the bully.

One of the bullies wet his pants and fainted- at this juncture I don’t think that we care which bully that was, the one who met his match or the one that was supposed to be the match- and the other started to cry. The monster that wasn’t a monster per se saw him and since he wasn’t a monster per se went out to console him.

Bully: "don’t eat me please."

Monster: "Why’d I eat you, I only eat vegetables and fruit and sometimes dirt too. I don’t eat ‘humans’. I am a vegetarian, a ‘v-e-g-e-t-a-r-i-a-n’. Now come to me and let me console you."

The bully caring not to make any sound with his feet, caring not to breathe loudly, cursing the vile wind that was spreading his vile bodily smell, albeit silently, approached the monster( who was welcoming with his arms spread),closing on the bully opened his mouth, picked up the monster, chewed him to pieces and swallowed him whole and merrily went back to his home.

PS: This post is a satirical take on our habit of typecasting anyone and everyone. For us anyone with a  bad habit is a bad person. While all those who are don't indulge in any vices are inherently good. However in actuality this is not always the case. More often than not a seemingly normal person is the one who is a monster. 

PPS: The word monster is used in a broad sense.  

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Tepid Start to 2012

The good
  •  I am reading books.  I loved reading books, back when I was a kid (I still am a kid, but others have started treating me like some grown up adult ), I always had a book in my hand. It didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing, and even what I was reading. If it had a cover and printed pages and I was nearby, I read it.  However somehow down the line I lost that habit. I forgot the pain you felt when a beloved character died or the sense of loss when you finished a particularly good series of book or when you read the entire works of an author. So after a period of 6 years, in the winter of 2011, when I didn’t have any distractions I started reading books again. And by reading I don’t mean reading 100 pages, and then leaving the book for the other day, I mean picking up a book and reading it nonstop till your mother starts shouting at you and confiscates the book. Yeah those kinds of reading, when you read like a fiend without a care in the world. So, in these 15 days I have read 7 books, and the 8th one is in progress, and boy I am loving it.
  •   I am not watching any mindless TV series
  •  I got 99.08 percentile in CAT without studying, without preparing. This was a much needed boost for me because the results came when I had started doubting my abilities. It was a bit of a restoration of my faith in myself.
The bad
  •  I got 99.08 percentile in CAT without studying. It’s like running the marathon and then collapsing on the finish line just because you didn’t drink enough water so you dehydrated. There will be a small part of me that will always nag me, that small voice which will always claim if only I had studied a bit more. If only I had remembered the formula for sum of a GP. If ONLY.
  •  I broke my laptop, and had to pay a lot of money to get it repaired.
  •  I messed up my application forms. I won’t give out details; however the gist is that I am a big moron, and it would hurt that even after getting a good (read as awesome) score in GRE and TOEFL I would not get an offer from a graduate school just because of my idiocy

The Ugly
  •  I realized that there are some people who will use you for nefarious purposes. Like for example there exists a certain someone let’s call him Mr. X  who will bitch about someone else  and should you say anything against that someone else, Mr. X will promptly go around and relate the things that you said to him with utmost relish. This was something which I always understood and tried to stay away from such persons. However there is something good that can be found in these kind of people too, they never kick you when you are vulnerable. Hence it was news for me when I found people of other kind, whose sole purpose is to derive everything from you, no matter how it may have harmed you. I can’t comprehend how a person to whom you presented your vulnerable side use you to make your best friend jealous by presenting as if something is going between you and her (she was his girlfriend long time ago, a relationship which she broke). I never thought that I shall be the dupe of such kind of people, and it is ugly because it will be very difficult for a misanthrope like me to be vulnerable again.
This start of 2012 had more lows than it had ups, and it kind of scares me because I rose very high in 2011 and it’s a long fall when I look down.


Edit:  there has been a change in the situation, it appears what I feared has been delayed. :D
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