Sunday, April 5, 2009

le changement de paradigme

There is a red shift, a blue shift, a night shift, a day shift, a shift in address, a shift in les plaques tectoniques (most dangerous of all) and then there is a Paradigm shift. What is more interesting in this particular kind of shift is not the way it is defined (when in doubt summon the nifty browser and type in W I K I) in wikipedia as

An epistemological paradigm shift was called a scientific revolution by epistemologist and historian of science Thomas Kuhn. He believes that revolutions occur when anomalies can’t be explained by paradigms of science. Once a paradigm shift is complete, a scientist cannot, for example, posit the possibility that miasma causes disease or that ether carries light. In contrast, a critic in Humanities can choose to adopt a 19th century theory of poetics, for instance, or interpret economic behavior from a Marxist perspective

That sure is an unpalatable crap (sure there is some palatable crap too, just try eating mess food once in a while).

The million dollar question now is, scatology is not my forte so why the hell is so much interest in this crap? WELL the answer is just simple; some one reminded me-one of the lesser residents of illustrious RK Hall of Residence that there is a need of change in my persona, a paradigm shift in my behavioral tendencies. Naturally I was shocked. This was coming from one of my friends (he is a literature god, a quiz god, an acads god, so everything he spits out from the holy space – that is referred to as mouth by us- is godly.)
But for every godly utterance there is bewilderment in the general masses and it takes other of some exalted status to simplify the utterance and utter the utterance in their own simplified versions. Hence the task for me was to find one such exalted being.

That was not much difficult once I came to terms with those foreboding words and in one of the rooms I found not one, but three small version of gods. They told me that paradigm shift pertained to the changes ( ticking of finger on their hands) that I need. In there simplified discourse they told me (reproduced in their exact words)

A: You take a bath once every two days. That’s not normal.

B: You grace the unholy precincts of precincts of mess twice a day. (To the demigods)He even attends breakfast. How can you waste your night in sleeping? That sure is well…….not normal

C: (referring to his status mates) He prepares his assignment reading from books and that too a day before the actual deadline .A: What the hell is google for and why is so much hurry in doing those assignments.

B: You attend all the classes even the 7:30 one. Then how can anyone call u normal? That’s beyond normal even beyond extraterritorial.

A: You don’t even know the actual taste of booze. You consider beer as elixir, than answer what the ambrosia that gin, vodka, rum should be termed as.
By this time they have run out of fingers and having seen my face that was slowly turning white (at my fallacies of course) one of the demigods took mercy on me and prophesied

A: change this and you may come close to the boundary of what normals are.

Well this is the reason I am writing this for not everyone has such godly friends and no one is within the reach of such great beings.

PS. I made few mistakes
a) No god is friend of any lesser being such as me they only keep u in illusion for your betterment
b) And you can’t find anyone having a fragment of godlyness in them in kgp. People
Who are destined to be gods find you. (Chuck please forgive me as I stole one of your facts).

So I end this with a thanks to everyone that made me able to write this .
And with the mantra
Follow the utterance and u will find a place in the kingdom of god and the salvation will be yours
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