Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hello World

For the uninitiated “hello world” was the first program that any respectable programming language book taught the user. Consequently this phrase has been incorporated in the everyday lexicon as the first step at anything you do. Got a twitter account, the first tweet is hello world, Have a FB? Say hello to the world.  Thinking about blogging the first blog should be hello world.
Now why do I care about it? I mean I already have a blog and I have been posting seemingly arbitrary and random stuff on that for the past- let’s see 3 years. Why Hello world? It’s easy I already explained it above. Why now?
Well now would be a good time as any to write this. Isn’t it?
On a serious note I have been pestering my friends(?) to read this blog by posting the link on their wall, putting it up as my status message, even sending them an IM about the recent updates. So for their convenience and for mine, I am writing this because I don’t want to explain certain things again and again. 

  • Please don’t read too much in the title, or for that matter in the address. When I registered this blog page,  I was reading Naruto, which has three legendary Sennins , or was it inspired from the hermit crab or from some similar kind of stuff. The gist is that people thought that the title suited me and my personality and that was it.
  • The caption “I am just a puppet who can see the string” is not of my own creation. They are plagiarized from what Dr. Manhattan says to Silk Specter in one of his melancholy moods. The lines kinda fit the whole hermit thing I had going on. 
  • All the posts that have some mention of any girl, love affair, marriage proposal, divorce, kiss, hug, etc have no connection to the reality. At any instance of time I am influenced by a multitude of things that I am reading, watching, listening, observing( when I am not being my usual narcissistic self) and the posts are “inspired” (just like Opal Mehta was inspired) from them. So if you find a post about someone killing someone else just for getting off, you should not conclude that I am a psychopath( but then again no psychopath just comes out and claims that he is one, so you are free to draw conclusions of your own. )
  • The posts that have narcissistic tones are all me.
  • I don’t have any particular thing that I blog about. No Niche, no expertise on offer I just blog about what I see. So there can be a post that is seemingly considerate, and there can be other which portrays me as an obnoxious, irascible, condescending and selfish idiot. 
  • I was able to put a name to the face I saw when I looked at the  mask in Venice, I won’t tell you who she is another thing altogether.
  • Since I have already explained that the posts are not of personal nature, you are free to comment on them. However I am also free to make fun of them if I find them too critical.(on a serious not please leave comment even if anonymous ones, because it adds to my narcissism)  
That probably sums it all. If you want to know anything else then please don’t ask because in all probability I won’t want to tell that to you. But still you can try, because nobody knows that it might be your lucky day. 

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