Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friends or Enemies

I was recently watching Thor – released in 2011. Though I was aware of the fact that the principal villain in this series is Loki- the god of mischief and Thor’s brother, I never dwelled much on it. However when I was watching the movie I suddenly started looking for similar connections in other superhero series. Spiderman has one (Harry Osbourne dons the mantle of Green Goblin), Smallville- a prelude to superman, shows that Lex Luthor and Clarke Kent were best friends later turned mortal enemies, Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier in X-men, Naruto and Sasuke in ‘Naruto’. In most of the superhero anthologies this thing is common.
But the similarity doesn’t end there, in real world too there are many such examples.
There is a sense of hatred between the people of two neighboring nations. Take the case of Canada and the USA. The Canadians don’t like Americans and vice – versa.  A more familiar example can be India – China. If India and China join hands, they can easily revolutionize the whole world. Same is the case with  England-Ireland, Australia- New Zealand, they  all have a history of rivalry which is often reflected in sports.
Yet it does not happen. The irony is that they themselves know this. All these examples beget a simple question- Why is it that the person closest to you hates you? Why do friends turn into foes? Why ?
The answer in my view is simple too.

I think the reason for that lies in the fact that we try to or in fact we over analyze anyone and everyone and find fault in them. This fault finding is supplemented by constant nagging to change their personalities, mend their ways, get their shit together etc. etc. etc.
 Now this process is applied universally on everyone but the person closest to us is the most affected by it BECAUSE he is closest to us.
You are not satisfied even when the person you are trying to change, bring about changes that you wished. Then it’s the case of “you are no longer the person I was friends with, you have changed”.  I don’t mean to say that it’s the fault of an individual, in my view it’s the fault of human character itself. I believe that humans by nature are attracted towards people having characteristics opposite to them, not because they supplement each other. It happens because they believe that they can change them; and the most potential of change is in the person who is their antithesis.
Thus this constant nagging introduces friction between two persons and soon the “relationship” reaches its breaking point.
I didn’t mean to be preachy in the above post, but if I have been then I don’t care. I do care about your views though, so feel free to comment

 PS: American dragon: Jake long \m/
PPS: this post was inspired by a note which my friend Pankaj Agarwal posted on his facbook profile.
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