Friday, October 30, 2009

A serious thought

Yesterday again I saw ‘Swadesh’- the eponymous movies starring the charismatic Sharukh Khan. The concept of the movie is that much brilliant that it manages to enthral me every time I give it a deco. But the most beautiful are some of the lines from the song ‘Pal Pal Hai Bhari’ reproduced below.
Ram hi to karuna mein hai,
Shanti mein ram hain
Ram hi hai ekta mein,
Pragati mein ram hain
Ram bas bhakton nahin, shatru ke bhi chintan mein hain
Dekh taj ke paap raavan, ram tere man mein hain ....

For those ignorant with the national language, the above lines translated means that the god exists in compassion, in peace, in unity in progress .Not only in the hearts of the devotees but in the thoughts of enemies’ god resides. Most important of these is the last set of words which say that the god exists in the heart of devil too; only thing that is needed is for the devil to peek into his heart.
The reason for highlighting these particular lines is not that the clever play of the word by the lyricist, but the essence of the human philosophy inherent in them. The particular philosophy is known by everyone subconsciously, but what is regrettable is the fact that the aforementioned fact is ignored by us all.
Think on these lines and please convey your messages to me.....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

le changement de paradigme

There is a red shift, a blue shift, a night shift, a day shift, a shift in address, a shift in les plaques tectoniques (most dangerous of all) and then there is a Paradigm shift. What is more interesting in this particular kind of shift is not the way it is defined (when in doubt summon the nifty browser and type in W I K I) in wikipedia as

An epistemological paradigm shift was called a scientific revolution by epistemologist and historian of science Thomas Kuhn. He believes that revolutions occur when anomalies can’t be explained by paradigms of science. Once a paradigm shift is complete, a scientist cannot, for example, posit the possibility that miasma causes disease or that ether carries light. In contrast, a critic in Humanities can choose to adopt a 19th century theory of poetics, for instance, or interpret economic behavior from a Marxist perspective

That sure is an unpalatable crap (sure there is some palatable crap too, just try eating mess food once in a while).

The million dollar question now is, scatology is not my forte so why the hell is so much interest in this crap? WELL the answer is just simple; some one reminded me-one of the lesser residents of illustrious RK Hall of Residence that there is a need of change in my persona, a paradigm shift in my behavioral tendencies. Naturally I was shocked. This was coming from one of my friends (he is a literature god, a quiz god, an acads god, so everything he spits out from the holy space – that is referred to as mouth by us- is godly.)
But for every godly utterance there is bewilderment in the general masses and it takes other of some exalted status to simplify the utterance and utter the utterance in their own simplified versions. Hence the task for me was to find one such exalted being.

That was not much difficult once I came to terms with those foreboding words and in one of the rooms I found not one, but three small version of gods. They told me that paradigm shift pertained to the changes ( ticking of finger on their hands) that I need. In there simplified discourse they told me (reproduced in their exact words)

A: You take a bath once every two days. That’s not normal.

B: You grace the unholy precincts of precincts of mess twice a day. (To the demigods)He even attends breakfast. How can you waste your night in sleeping? That sure is well…….not normal

C: (referring to his status mates) He prepares his assignment reading from books and that too a day before the actual deadline .A: What the hell is google for and why is so much hurry in doing those assignments.

B: You attend all the classes even the 7:30 one. Then how can anyone call u normal? That’s beyond normal even beyond extraterritorial.

A: You don’t even know the actual taste of booze. You consider beer as elixir, than answer what the ambrosia that gin, vodka, rum should be termed as.
By this time they have run out of fingers and having seen my face that was slowly turning white (at my fallacies of course) one of the demigods took mercy on me and prophesied

A: change this and you may come close to the boundary of what normals are.

Well this is the reason I am writing this for not everyone has such godly friends and no one is within the reach of such great beings.

PS. I made few mistakes
a) No god is friend of any lesser being such as me they only keep u in illusion for your betterment
b) And you can’t find anyone having a fragment of godlyness in them in kgp. People
Who are destined to be gods find you. (Chuck please forgive me as I stole one of your facts).

So I end this with a thanks to everyone that made me able to write this .
And with the mantra
Follow the utterance and u will find a place in the kingdom of god and the salvation will be yours

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


That's the spirit - one part brave, three parts fool.

Today i started reading Brisinger -the third book in Eragon -the inheritance trilogy. The earlier two books were build upon the simple to cast yet intriguing world of magic, dragons, fairies, which have instilled a sense of curiosity in men of all ages( that certainly includes all ye women out there).

So as a child of seventeen years paolini writes a book publishes it when 19 and the book turns out to be a bestseller converted to movies …yeah I know that run of the mill story.

But what is unique here is the manner of his presentation of that fantasy world. He tries to express or understand the intricacies human thought processes, intricacies of behavior and the traits that form the very crux of our race.

He explores the insecurity, the introspection, the speculations and the baser instincts of man with an élan. And uniquely this is done through the protagonist. Voila we have Eragon the son of a farmer elated to the status of one of the dragon riders of yore, up in arms against the evil king Galbatorix- whose powers know no bound. So Eragon is introspecting, latching upon his past, reconnoitering his future, and fighting through his present constantly learning who he is or what he has become. The transition is pain full sad at times but altogether a refreshing (if you know what I mean).

In the book which intrigued me the most was the concept of “name”. It has been asserted if you know the name – the true name of someone (the individual in question doesn’t know it himself….obviously) you can wield a lot of power on him. Eragon do this. What actually happens that he gains a powerful insight in the Sloan’s nature understanding him better than the butcher himself .Consequently forcing him to do the things he never wanted to do. It can be considered as manipulating a person and mind you , you can be dead effective if you know him in and out. Naturally the person if knows himself, his true name he attains powers-powers to an extent he never had. Now can I do that? Can you do that? (Don’t answer dumbo that was rhetoric)

By the way the book is an interesting read. Tends to slow down in some parts but the finale is awesome. And brisingir(in case you were wondering is the name of rider’s sword and that too a true one).

So if u read it please interpret the meaning of this phrase and let me know “Adrift upon the sea of time a lonely god walks shore to distant shore upholding the laws of stars above”. Adios ……………………………………….

Thursday, January 8, 2009

like the flowing river

It was me that went bouncing through the terrain

I went every place :the rocky precipice of mountains or the fertile soil of plain
nothing changed my speed
nothing changed my flow
I treated every thing with same respect

But why is this stagnation in me ?
Why is this motion sickness?
Has the erosion subsided ?
Is this the time to deposit the vast array of things i accumulated ?
Will i be reduced to a mud puddle?
Or will i be ever the flowing river again


The setting evening sun marked his silhouette as he was sitting in his little den. Well little would certainly a reproach to a place thousand square feet, on the top floor of a financial giant, providing the bird’s eye view of the city, surveying the lesser mortals of the concrete jungle. Usually he took pride in such a spectacle but today the world seemed centered around the piece of paper, which would have been treated as a piece of junk if it was not adorned with district attorneys stamp.

“You are hereby summoned to the court of law to appear as a witness in the murder case of………….”

His body obscured the rest of the summon .While rereading the piece he could easily see his life running before his eyes, as if some somebody had cramped thirty years in a disk and had played it on a broken player, pausing some, playing others and forwarding the rest.

The first scene flashed before his eyes…………………..

“The earliest memories of my dad I had were his sitting on the couch, reading the newspaper commenting on everything, grumbling his observations to himself while I went milling about myself sitting near him disturbing him with trivialities. He was quick to temper at that time and was usually brisk with me but I always chose that time to prick him.

It was never premeditated, but I must admit it was a childish amusement to see him lifting his face over the newspaper surveying me with his deep eyes and then quenching my curiosity at the same time admonishing me for disturbing him at that time. But I was always back.

So it was on day I picked up a word -“coherence” and bracing me for his retorts went to him. To my surprise he took me into his lap and talked to me at length, told me things like conscience and all those religious and sentimental things. The thing left to me was to interpret the word my self.”

The fast forward mode started acting and he saw people fooling his dad, duping him of his money, the days of being indebted, finally two decades went by………..

“I was sitting in the auditorium with scores of other freshmen waiting for the orientation lecture to begin. A stooping gray haired man came rambling and took the centre and started addressing us. What ever he was he couldn’t have been the czar of the professional world of which we were a part. So he started his discourse on the college at large and about students in general. Soon his rambling converted into a clear oratory, one hand flattened his trusses, and the other drew out a pair of glasses from his inside pocket, the stoop was gone and suddenly he adopted a predator’s gait. Instantly he was the professional we were looking for. Watching the astonishment he commented with amusement that this was the change he wanted to see in all of us after we graduated from the college.

This was my faculty advisor at the biz. School I attended. He mentored me and taught how the business world worked, its ruthless principles and finally the adage profit always ranks supremely.”

The record picked up speed again and he saw himself adopting those philosophies to the core and rising from an employee to an investor to an entrepreneur to owner of a string of companies, going multinational. The record slowed………………….

“I didn’t know what was happening in those months I lost all my profits lost the faith of my investors. I was on the brink of financial collapse. The only thing which could save us was the investment that was forth coming from him.”

Record trudged again. He cruised through deliberations and discussions and finally the wait was over. One last meeting, a last bunch of signatures and he will be in control of things again.

“I couldn’t believe he didn’t turn up. He sent his custom made car which was duly accompanied in the inner premises away from the prying eyes of the media waiting outside. But he was not present in the car.”

A slow movement in the player ensued and he saw the reason of his investor’s absence.

“That bloody bastard had killed his secretary and her husband, mutilating their bodies in front of their children. The testimony of the children was skillfully turned around by his attorneys and now the case hung on his providing an alibi. So he has given my name. All I have to do is to testify in his favor and the documents will be signed. And true to his words. I was summoned by the DA for cross questioning”

Sun was now waiting to dip into the horizon as the record player gave a violent jerk; the oscillations began- coherence…..profit, coherence…..profit, coherence…..profit, coherence…..profit. It paused………………………….

He stood up, scribbled something and gave the piece of paper to his secretary to be mailed to the DA.

The next day DA opened his mail and found his note.

“Dear DA

The accused was not present with me or in the premises of my companies. So rest assured I will not be testifying in his favor. You can go ahead with your case”.

At the same time he was sitting in a plane bound to his dad’s place. He was going to meet him after ten years so as to know if his interpretation of the word was correct.

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