Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friday the thirteenth

this is the story i submitted to some arbit competition.

“Rapids and gales

Storms and hails

You will have a rotten luck

If you leave your hammock

Cause sailing is nay’

If its thirteenth on a Friday.”

“I don’t know why the hell I cannot forget this stupid rhyme” cursed Jack, going about his morning
routine. “Okay today is Friday the thirteenth but what’s so special about it? Come on it’s just
another day”, were his thoughts on this particular day that plagued him at least once every year.
And it wasn’t as if he didn’t try to let go all his superstitions about this particular day, but they were
so deeply instilled in him by his grandfather – a grey bearded loon of a sailor who lost both his crew
and his ship in some bizarre storm on this day.

The fact that he had an interview (an opportunity of a life time) which had been rescheduled to
this day irked him more. So it was either to go and join a banquet of twelve and die (as the Norse
people would have it, another one of his grandfather’s absurd stories) or sit at home and watch the
nonsensical pop cultural references about the day on the idiot box.

He remembered losing the red bike to rick when he gave away his ticket (the lucky one) to the local
fair. The baseball match, the Indiana Jones visit- all lost to ‘the day’. And how could he forget Natalia
–sweet Natalia whom he asked out for prom and couldn’t attend, all because his gee gee wouldn’t
allow him to venture out. “Jacky boy! You too will lose your ship as I did” was his gramps answer
every time.

“Oh! Screw it I am done with that old geezer, with him and his ship and his bull crap of superstitions.
For all that matter he might have been drunk when he drove his ship into that rock. I am going out to
settle it once and for all” Jack decided, and began dressing up.

“Free breakfast in the cafe (apparently he was the 13th customer entering the cafe), no traffic jams
on the way, a good parking spot. I wish the interview goes this good”.

“Oh! How I breezed through the interview. I aced all the questions and even my guesses hit the
bull’s eye. If I don’t get the job now then I never would”

“Mr. Jack I would be honest with you, we were going to give the job to the guy who came before
you, but somehow my guts say that you will be the best guy for this job. So here is your advance...”

“That old geezer was certainly a fool. I had a wonderful day, the job would have gone to someone
else.” While standing at the cash withdrawal counter Jack didn’t notice the gunman enter the bank,
neither did he see him slip the carbine into position, nor did he hear the staccato burst.

He just felt the bullet that entered his body tearing away the flesh. He remembered the red bike

and the boy crushed under the bus, the accident of that beautiful girl and

“Rapids and gales

Storms and hails....

Cause sailing is nay’

If its thirteenth on a Friday.

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